
Pinworms, Tapeworms and Whipworms all will rob a rabbit of flesh and fur condition. With whipworms, the feces have blood on them. Pin worms will show by having little flecks of white specs in the feces. I use Wazine/Piperazine as a preventative measure against worms. Sanitation to keep flies out of the rabbitry should cut down on worm infestations.

The flies will lay their eggs on anything that’s decaying or a cut on a rabbit. The eggs turn to maggots and only in hours begin to feed on the animal and kill it. Cleaning the rabbit pens will prevent fly problems. Also dead babies in nest boxes also attract flies, so check your boxes. The flies are attracted to any damp area, so try to keep things dry and clean, and the area should be free of weeds. If there’s a compost pile, move it far away from the hutch or cover it up with a tarp. Once a rabbit has flystrike, the wounds need to be cleaned and disinfected. Apply antibiotic ointment and keep the rabbit inside. Clean the area he/she was in and check anyone else for flystrike.

External Parasites
There are 6 external parasites:
1. “Warbles” have these signs: swelling or an isolated “lump” around the neck and/or shoulders. This shouldn’t be confused with an abscess. This is from a Botfly. I would advise to take a rabbit with this to a vet so the parasite can be removed. Keep flies out of the hutch.

2. Loss of hair in a circular pattern is a sign of Ringworm. It is more common on the feet and legs on young rabbits, and for adults it can be anywhere. It is a fungus that IS contagious
to humans. I suggest to cull these animals, but if you want to save it, isolate him from the herd and treat him with iodine on the infected areas.

3. Unexplained fur loss around the face, neck and back are a sign of fur mites. Cat flea powder can be used to kill them.

4. Mange Mite Infestation causes the rabbit to scratch itself constantly, and it often leads to head trauma from shaking of its head. Loss of hair on the chin, head, neck and base of the ears are also present. You’re supposed to treat it with 7.5% Chloroform, 0.12% Rotenone or 0.5% Malathion containing dust. I would seek out a vet for this one.

5. Ear Mites (Ear canker) is infecting the rabbit if its shaking its head, and scratching its ears and has a brown/yellow scaly formation inside the ears. Use mineral oil in the ear for 3 days to kill them.
Treat both ears, even if only one is infected.

6. Fleas and ticks are most common and can be picked up at a rabbit show or from being in the grass at home. I don’t recommend flea/tick collars to rabbits because they could chew them off or be easily choked. They might work with supervision while outside, removing them once you come inside. Once you have a flea or tick infestation, use kitten flea powder to kill the fleas and eggs. Ticks will need to be manually removed with tweezers.


This is a parasite that attacks the digestive tract. There are 2 forms. The first is the Intestinal Form. The signs are diarrhea, poor weight gain, poor flesh and fur condition, and is pot bellied.
The second form is the Hepatic Form. The signs are diarrhea, poor flesh and fur condition and large white spots on the liver. The treatment and prevention for both forms is the use of coccidiocide on a regular

Abnormal Parasite
This is a migration of parasite larva in the central nervous system. There are no signs until the rabbit is paralyzed. There is no treatment, and it’s best to but the rabbit down. The prevention is controlling urine contamination in the rabbitry.